I haven’t written a blog for a while, years in fact. Plenty has been happening but nothing that had really compelled me to put pen to paper until this week....
The meter read ‘HI’– the words Hamish’s Blood Glucose Monitor uses to tell us that his levels are so bad, it can no longer display how high they are. Not...
Since Hamish was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 4 years we have struggled with how much we should tell him about the gravity of his disease..a life-long,...
We had a package arrive last week and Lyla, our middle daughter, wanted to know what it was for.
Fletcher – the youngest, 2 years old – is in a...
One night last week, we did the usual 11pm BGL test to check that Hamish’s levels were OK. 10.2 was the reading. Slightly on the high side and according to...
Last night we let Hamish stay up a bit so he could keep reading – he had just started Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on the weekend and couldn’t...
This was the number of needles we delivered to our local chemist today in our monthly ritual of ‘sharps disposal’. It probably was a similar amount last month and will...
Hamish ran the 'Colour Run' on Sunday and proved that even a hypo mid way wasn't going to stop him enjoying the happiest 5kms on the planet!! #diabeteswontstopme
Hamish’s grandfather (or as he calls him, ‘Bampy’) has had Diabetes for almost 30 years. He was originally diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes but we more recently found out...